SMSLib - Java SMS library
SMSLib is a Java library which allows you to send/receive SMS messages via a compatible GSM modem or GSM phone. SMSLib also supports some bulk sms operators (for outbound messaging only). Its feature include
- Supports GSM phones and GSM modems connected via serial port interfaces or IP interfaces.
- Works with PDU/TEXT protocols.
- Supports Inbound & Outbound simple text messages.
- Works with 7bit, 8bit and UCS2 (Unicode) message encodings.
- Supports Inbound & Outbound big (multipart) messages.
- Flash messaging.
- Outbound messages with port information / addressing.
- Outbound WAP PUSH SI messages.
- Status (Delivery) Report messages.
- Basic GSM information available: Modem, Manufacturer, S/W revision, Signal level, etc.
- Supports a few bulk operators, using http/https protocols.
- Support the SMPP protocol.
- Multiple Gateways
- Sending Priorities
- Synchronous / Asynchronous Sending and Receiving messages
- Callbacks
- Custom Sender ID
- Encrypted Messages