PostGIS - Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL

PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL. PostGIS adds extra types (geometry, geography, raster and others) to the PostgreSQL database. It also adds functions, operators, and index enhancements that apply to these spatial types.
Its features include
Its features include
- Processing and analytic functions for both vector and raster data for splicing, dicing, morphing, reclassifying, and collecting/unioning with the power of SQL
- raster map algebra for fine-grained raster processing
- Spatial reprojection SQL callable functions for both vector and raster data
- Support for importing / exporting ESRI shapefile vector data via both commandline and GUI packaged tools and support for more formats via other 3rd-party Open Source tools
- Packaged command-line for importing raster data from many standard formats: GeoTiff, NetCDF, PNG, JPG to name a few
- Rendering and importing vector data support functions for standard textual formats such as KML,GML, GeoJSON,GeoHash and WKT using SQL
- Rendering raster data in various standard formats GeoTIFF, PNG, JPG, NetCDF, to name a few using SQL
- Seamless raster/vector SQL callable functions for extrusion of pixel values by geometric region, running stats by region, clipping rasters by a geometry, and vectorizing rasters
- 3D object support, spatial index, and functions
- Network Topology support