Keydb - A Multithreaded Fork of Redis

KeyDB is a high performance fork of Redis with a focus on multithreading, memory efficiency, and high throughput. In addition to multithreading, KeyDB also has features only available in Redis Enterprise such as Active Replication, FLASH storage support, and some not available at all such as direct backup to AWS S3.
KeyDB maintains full compatibility with the Redis protocol, modules, and scripts. This includes the atomicity guarantees for scripts and transactions. Because KeyDB keeps in sync with Redis development KeyDB is a superset of Redis functionality, making KeyDB a drop in replacement for existing Redis deployments.
In addition to supporting LUA, KeyDB also supports JavaScript using the powerful V8 JIT engine. ModJS lets you write functions in javascript that can in turn be called directly by KeyBD.
KeyDB maintains full compatibility with the Redis protocol, modules, and scripts. This includes the atomicity guarantees for scripts and transactions. Because KeyDB keeps in sync with Redis development KeyDB is a superset of Redis functionality, making KeyDB a drop in replacement for existing Redis deployments.
In addition to supporting LUA, KeyDB also supports JavaScript using the powerful V8 JIT engine. ModJS lets you write functions in javascript that can in turn be called directly by KeyBD.