PYLEECAN - Electrical engineering open-source software providing a user-friendly, unified, flexible simulation framework for the multiphysic design and optimization of electrical machines and drives

PYLEECAN project provides a user-friendly, unified, flexible simulation framework for the multiphysic design and optimization of electrical machines and drives. The main objective of PYLEECAN is to boost reproducible research and open-science in electrical engineering. Thus, it is intended for researchers, R&D engineers and teachers in electrical engineering, both on standard and novel topologies of electrical machines.
- PYLEECAN is fully coupled to FEMM to carry non-linear magnetostatic analysis including sliding band and symmetries. For now this coupling is available (only on Windows OS).
- PYLEECAN includes an iron losses model (based on FEMM coupling output).
- PYLEECAN includes an electrical model to solve the equivalent circuit of PMSM and SCIM machines.
- PYLEECAN is coupled to GMSH 2D/3D finite element mesh generator to run third-party multiphysic solvers.
- PYLEECAN is coupled to a multiobjective optimization library to carry design optimization of electrical machines.
- PYLEECAN enables to define Parameter Sweep of variable speed simulations.
- PYLEECAN includes a Graphical User Interface to define main 2D radial flux topologies parametrized geometries (SPMSM, IPMSM, SCIM, DFIM, WRSM, SRM, SynRM) including material library.
- Possibility to import Slot or Hole from DXF files
- Star of Slot Winding (with swat-em) and User Defined Winding
- Generic Geometry modeler to draw complex machines in the software coupled with PYLEECAN
- Notches (Yoke and Bore) / Uneven Bore shape (Lamination without slot only) / Machine with more than 2 laminations