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GUN - A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph database engine

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GUN is a realtime, distributed, offline-first, graph database engine. Lightweight and powerful. GUN does state synchronization out of the box. It is peer-to-peer by design, meaning you have no centralized database server to maintain. It has offline support, works even without internet. Users can save data offline and when when the network comes back online GUN will automatically synchronize the data.

GUN is a data­base en­gine that runs every­where JavaScript does — browsers, mo­bile de­vices and servers, al­low­ing you to build ex­act­ly the data sys­tem you want. GUN's se­cu­ri­ty mod­ule is built on strong en­cryp­tion stan­dards and works com­plete­ly de­cen­tral­ized. In oth­er words — real pri­va­cy with no sin­gle point of fail­ure.