ZynAddSubFX - Music Software Synthesizer

ZynAddSubFX is a fully featured open source software synthesizer capable of making a countless number of instruments, from some common heard from expensive hardware to interesting sounds that you'll boost to an amazing universe of sounds.
ZynAddSubFX supports three synthesizer engines Additive Synthesis which exposes modulators ranging from LFOs and envelopes to oscillator modulators for FM, PM, and AM., Subtractive Synthesis for creating variable bandwidth harmonics from filtered white noise, PAD synthesis for creating beautiful pads and other instruments. The synthesizer has effects like reverberation, echo, chorus, distortion, equalization and others, and supports microtonal tunings. It supports a variety of filters including analogue modeled filters, formant filters, and state variable filters. It has MIDI/Audio driver support including JACK, ALSA, OSS, and PortAudio.
ZynAddSubFX supports built-in Virtual Keyboard, Graphical user interface, Plugin Support and lot more.

ZynAddSubFX supports three synthesizer engines Additive Synthesis which exposes modulators ranging from LFOs and envelopes to oscillator modulators for FM, PM, and AM., Subtractive Synthesis for creating variable bandwidth harmonics from filtered white noise, PAD synthesis for creating beautiful pads and other instruments. The synthesizer has effects like reverberation, echo, chorus, distortion, equalization and others, and supports microtonal tunings. It supports a variety of filters including analogue modeled filters, formant filters, and state variable filters. It has MIDI/Audio driver support including JACK, ALSA, OSS, and PortAudio.
ZynAddSubFX supports built-in Virtual Keyboard, Graphical user interface, Plugin Support and lot more.
