Algernon - Pure Go web server with built-in Lua, Markdown, HyperApp and Pongo2 support
Web server with built-in support for HTTP/2, Lua, Markdown, Pongo2, HyperApp, Amber, Sass(SCSS), GCSS, JSX, BoltDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, rate limiting, graceful shutdown, plugins, users and permissions. Uses no external libraries, only pure Go.
Its technologies include:
Written in Go. Uses Bolt (built-in), MySQL, PostgreSQL or Redis (recommended) for the database backend, permissions2 for handling users and permissions, gopher-lua for interpreting and running Lua, http2 for serving HTTP/2, blackfriday for Markdown rendering, amber for Amber templates, Pongo2 for Pongo2 templates, Sass(SCSS) and GCSS for CSS preprocessing. logrus is used for logging, goja-babel for converting from JSX to JavaScript, tollbooth for rate limiting, pie for plugins and graceful for graceful shutdowns.
Its technologies include:
Written in Go. Uses Bolt (built-in), MySQL, PostgreSQL or Redis (recommended) for the database backend, permissions2 for handling users and permissions, gopher-lua for interpreting and running Lua, http2 for serving HTTP/2, blackfriday for Markdown rendering, amber for Amber templates, Pongo2 for Pongo2 templates, Sass(SCSS) and GCSS for CSS preprocessing. logrus is used for logging, goja-babel for converting from JSX to JavaScript, tollbooth for rate limiting, pie for plugins and graceful for graceful shutdowns.