WinkNLP - Developer friendly Natural Language Processing

WinkNLP is a JavaScript library for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Designed specifically to make development of NLP applications easier and faster, winkNLP is optimized for the right balance of performance and accuracy. It is built ground up with a lean code base that has no external dependency. It has full Typescript support and runs on Node.js and browsers.
WinkNLP has a comprehensive natural language processing (NLP) pipeline covering tokenization, sentence boundary detection (sbd), negation handling, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech (pos) tagging, named entity recognition (ner), custom entities recognition (cer). WinkNLP can easily process large amount of raw text at speeds over 650,000 tokens/second on a M1 Macbook Pro in both browser and Node.js environments. It even runs smoothly on a low-end smartphone's browser.
WinkNLP can process multilingual text string, identifies the boundary of different languages in the string. It comes with pre-trained language models for Sentence Boundary Detection, Sentiment Analysis, Part-of-speech tagging.
npm install wink-nlp --save