SocialVPN - P2P VPN that connects you to your friends computer

SocialVPN is an open-source IPOP-based virtual network that connects your computers privately to your friends’ computers. It automatically maps online social network relationships using Jingle and XMPP to create your own user-defined peer-to-peer VPNs – with no hassle, and supporting unmodified TCP/IP applications.
In the SocialVPN, each user is in control of who their VPN connects to. To scale to large online social networks, SocialVPN employs a unique dynamic IPv4 address allocation/translation approach that avoids conflicts with local networks and devices outside a user’s social network. creates a communication overlay that can be used as a basis to design decentralized Online Social Networks (OSNs). It keeps the data sharing private.
In the SocialVPN, each user is in control of who their VPN connects to. To scale to large online social networks, SocialVPN employs a unique dynamic IPv4 address allocation/translation approach that avoids conflicts with local networks and devices outside a user’s social network. creates a communication overlay that can be used as a basis to design decentralized Online Social Networks (OSNs). It keeps the data sharing private.