RecallGraph - A versioning data store for time-variant graph data

RecallGraph is a versioned-graph data store for time variant graphs built on ArangoDB. It retains all changes that its data (vertices and edges) have gone through to reach their current state. It supports point-in-time graph traversals, letting the user query any past state of the graph just as easily as the present. It is a Foxx Microservice for ArangoDB that features VCS-like semantics in many parts of its interface, and is backed by a transactional event tracker.
All write operations are wrapped in ACID-compliant transactions, so your data is always consistent. Data is always recoverable, any data that you delete can always be restored, unless its history is explicitly purged from the database. You can also import your existing non-temporal data and begin tracking revisions from there.
It has OpenTracing-compliant service. Plug into your existing distributed tracing infrastructure and get insights and performance metrics OOTB.
All write operations are wrapped in ACID-compliant transactions, so your data is always consistent. Data is always recoverable, any data that you delete can always be restored, unless its history is explicitly purged from the database. You can also import your existing non-temporal data and begin tracking revisions from there.
It has OpenTracing-compliant service. Plug into your existing distributed tracing infrastructure and get insights and performance metrics OOTB.