Misago - Full featured forum application standing on shoulders of Django

Misago aims to be complete, featured and modern forum solution that has no fear to say 'NO' to common and outdated opinions about how forum software should be made and what it should do.
Its features include:
Its features include:
- Your users may register accounts, set avatars, change options and edit their profiles. They have option to reset forgotten password.
- Sign in with Facebook, Google, Github, Steam, Blizzard.net or any other over 50 supported OAuth providers.
- Site admins may require users to confirm validity of their e-mail addresses via e-mail sent activation link, or limit user account activation to administrator action. They can use custom Q&A challenge, ReCAPTCHA, Stop Forum Spam or IP's blacklist to combat spam registrations. Pletora of settings are available to control user account behaviour, like username lengths or avatar restrictions.
- Create categories together with unlimited number and depth of subcategories.
- Write messages using either GitHub flavoured markdown, BBCode subset, or both.
- Presence features let site members know when other users are online, offline or banned. Individual users have setting to hide their activity from non-admins.
- Complete moderation toolset allowing admin-approved moderators to edit, move, hide, approve, delete or close user posted content. This also includes option to delete or block user accounts or avatars.
- Ban system allows you to ban existing users as well as forbid certain user names, e-mails or IP addresses from registering accounts.
- Permission system allowing you to control which features are available to users based on their rank, roles or category they are in.
- Post accurate read tracker that lets your users spot threads with new posts as well as let moderators spot unapproved replies and non-moderators spot approved posts.
- Private threads feature allowing users to create threads visible only to them and those they've invited.
- Python-based profile fields framework letting site owners to define custom fields for users to fill in complete with powerful customization options for custom requirements, display or validation logic.
- Rich polls system, allowing polls with public and private voters, single and multiple choices as well as ones that allow vote change or limit voting tp limited period of time.
- Post attachments complete thumbnailing and gif's animation removal.
- Mark post in question thread as best answer, bringing basic Q&A functionality.
- Posts edits log allowing you to see how user messages used to look in past as well as revert function protecting you from malignant users emptying their posts contents.
- Moderation queue for users and categories allowing you to moderate content before it becomes visible to other members of the community.
- Custom theme developed over bootstrap.
- Features and settings for achieving GDPR compliance.
- Integrate forum with your site using implemented Single Sign On client and JSON API.