PyChecker - finds bugs in Python
PyChecker is a tool for finding bugs in python source code. It is similar to lint. PyChecker checks for each function, class and method for possible problems. It is capable to identify import errors.
It could find following problems,
It could find following problems,
- No global found (e.g., using a module without importing it)
- Passing the wrong number of parameters to functions/methods/constructors
- Passing the wrong number of parameters to builtin functions & methods
- Using format strings that don't match arguments
- Using class methods and attributes that don't exist
- Changing signature when overriding a method
- Redefining a function/class/method in the same scope
- Using a variable before setting it
- self is not the first parameter defined for a method
- Unused globals and locals (module or variable)
- Unused function/method arguments (can ignore self)
- No doc strings in modules, classes, functions, and methods