Oni - new kind of editor, powered by Neovim

Oni is a new kind of editor, focused on maximizing productivity - combining modal editing with features you expect in modern editors. Oni is built with neovim, and inspired by VSCode, Atom, LightTable, and Emacs. The vision of Oni is to build an editor that allows you to go from thought to code as easily as possible - bringing together the raw editing power of Vim, the feature capabilities of Atom/VSCode, and a powerful and intuitive extensibility model - wrapped up in a beautiful package. This repository is under active development, and until 1.0 please consider everything unstable.
- Modern UX - The Vim experience should not be compromised by terminal limitations.
- Rich plugin development - using JavaScript, instead of VimL.
- Cross-platform support - across Windows, OS X, and Linux.
- Batteries included - rich features are available out of the box - minimal setup needed to be productive.
- Performance - no compromises, Vim is fast, and Oni should be fast too.
- Ease Learning Curve - without sacrificing the Vim experience.