OmniSciDB - Open Source Analytical Database & SQL Engine

OmniSciDB is the foundation of the OmniSci platform. OmniSciDB is SQL-based, relational, columnar and specifically developed to harness the massive parallelism of modern CPU and GPU hardware. OmniSciDB can query up to billions of rows in milliseconds, and is capable of unprecedented ingestion speeds, making it the ideal SQL engine for the era of big, high-velocity data.
OmniSciDB optimizes the memory and compute layers to deliver unprecedented performance. OmniSciDB was designed to keep hot data in GPU memory for the fastest access possible. Other GPU database systems have taken the approach of storing the data in CPU memory, only moving it to GPU at query time, trading the gains they receive from GPU parallelism with transfer overheads over the PCIe bus.
OmniSciDB natively supports standard SQL and returns query results hundreds of times faster than CPU-only analytical database platforms. Analysts and data scientists can still rely on their existing SQL knowledge, querying data using industry-standard SQL.
OmniSciDB optimizes the memory and compute layers to deliver unprecedented performance. OmniSciDB was designed to keep hot data in GPU memory for the fastest access possible. Other GPU database systems have taken the approach of storing the data in CPU memory, only moving it to GPU at query time, trading the gains they receive from GPU parallelism with transfer overheads over the PCIe bus.
OmniSciDB natively supports standard SQL and returns query results hundreds of times faster than CPU-only analytical database platforms. Analysts and data scientists can still rely on their existing SQL knowledge, querying data using industry-standard SQL.