Jimp - An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node

An image processing library for Node written entirely in JavaScript, with zero native dependencies. It supports image manipulation methods like Blit an image, Blur an image, Various color manipulation methods, Resize, Scale and Rotate the image, Apply a dither effect to an image, Mask one image with another, Print text onto an image (watermark) and lot more.
Image Manipulation Methods:
Image Manipulation Methods:
- blit - Blit an image onto another.
- blur - Quickly blur an image.
- color - Various color manipulation methods.
- contain - Contain an image within a height and width.
- cover - Scale the image so the given width and height keeping the aspect ratio.
- displace - Displaces the image based on a displacement map
- dither - Apply a dither effect to an image.
- flip - Flip an image along it's x or y axis.
- gaussian - Hardcore blur.
- invert - Invert an images colors
- mask - Mask one image with another.
- normalize - Normalize the colors in an image
- print - Print text onto an image
- resize - Resize an image.
- rotate - Rotate an image.
- scale - Uniformly scales the image by a factor.