NSD - NLnet Labs Name Server Daemon (NSD) is an authoritative DNS name server

The NLnet Labs Name Server Daemon (NSD) is an authoritative DNS name server. It has been developed for operations in environments where speed, reliability, stability and security are of high importance.
NSD has a pure design philosophy that prioritises raw performance. This means that if you serve hundreds of thousands or even millions of queries per second, NSD is the leading implementation in the world. This makes the name server ideally suited for Top Level Domain implementations, DNS Root servers and anyone in need of a fast and optimised authoritative name server. Currently, three DNS root servers and many top-level domain registries use NSD as part of their server implementation. NSD has not implemented recursive caching by design. If you need a validating, recursive, caching resolver then NLnet Labs has Unbound available.
NSD has a pure design philosophy that prioritises raw performance. This means that if you serve hundreds of thousands or even millions of queries per second, NSD is the leading implementation in the world. This makes the name server ideally suited for Top Level Domain implementations, DNS Root servers and anyone in need of a fast and optimised authoritative name server. Currently, three DNS root servers and many top-level domain registries use NSD as part of their server implementation. NSD has not implemented recursive caching by design. If you need a validating, recursive, caching resolver then NLnet Labs has Unbound available.