light-4j - A fast, lightweight and more productive microservices framework
Light 4j is a fast, lightweight and cloud native microservices framework. Light means lightweight, lighting fast and shed light on how to program with modern Java SE. It is 44 times faster than the most popular microservices platform Spring Boot embedded Tomcat and use only 1/5 of memory.
Its features include:
Its features include:
- Plugin architecture for startup/shutdown hooks and middleware components
- Distributed OAuth2 JWT security verification as part of the framework
- Request and response validation against OpenAPI specification at runtime
- Metrics collected in influxdb and viewed from Grafana Dashboard for both services and clients
- Global exception handling for runtime exception, api exception and other checked exceptions
- Mask sensitive data like credit card, sin number etc. before logging
- Sanitize cross site scripting for query parameters, request headers and body
- Audit to dump important info or entire request and response.
- Body parser to support different content types
- Standardized response code and messages from configuration file
- Externalized configuration for all modules for dockerized environment
- CORS pre-flight handler for SPA (Angular or React) from another domain
- Rate limiting for services that exposed outside to the Internet
- Service registry and discovery support direct, Consul and Zookeeper
- Client side discovery and load balance to eliminate proxies
- A client module that is tightly integrated with Light-OAuth2 and supports traceability