Mandriva - Identity and Network Management

Mandriva Directory Server is an enterprise directory platform based on LDAP designed to manage identities, access control informations, policies, application settings and user profiles. If you already use Samba, Postfix, Squid or CUPS, you can benefit from MDS today to manage your infrastructure.
- user authentication and management thanks to LDAP
- an extensible, nice looking and AJAX powered PHP web interface called MMC (Mandriva Management Console), provided with 6 modules:
- Users and groups management
- SAMBA accounts and shares management
- Printing management
- Email delivery management
- Integrated DNS/DHCP management
- Web proxy blacklist management
- a Python dedicated management API for LDAP, SAMBA and SQUID (core of the MDS and the MMC)
- a policy system, that will allow to define users right on network ressources