talon - Mailgun library to extract message quotations and signatures
Mailgun library to extract message quotations and signatures.For machine learning talon currently uses the scikit-learn library to build SVM classifiers. The core of machine learning algorithm lays in talon.signature.learning package. It defines a set of features to apply to a message (featurespace.py), how data sets are built (dataset.py), classifier’s interface (classifier.py).
For machine learning talon currently uses the scikit-learn library to build SVM classifiers. The core of machine learning algorithm lays in talon.signature.learning package. It defines a set of features to apply to a message (featurespace.py), how data sets are built (dataset.py), classifier’s interface (classifier.py).
For machine learning talon currently uses the scikit-learn library to build SVM classifiers. The core of machine learning algorithm lays in talon.signature.learning package. It defines a set of features to apply to a message (featurespace.py), how data sets are built (dataset.py), classifier’s interface (classifier.py).