VueDatatable - Bulma themed, VueJS powered Datatable with server-side loading and JSON template setup
Data Table package with server-side processing and VueJS components. Build fast any complex table based on a JSON template.
- efficient server side data loading
- multi-column searching
- multi-column sorting with the option to set per column default sorting
- configurable pagination
- user customizable column visibility
- configurable action buttons
- beautiful tag rendering for boolean flags
- can display and format numbers as money values, and the formatting can be customized via the template
- full customization via the use of scoped slots for your columns
- smart resizing & auto-hide based on screen width. Data is still accessible under an optional child row
- tooltips for columns/rows
- front-end translations for labels and even data
- configurable, on-the-fly view modes: compact, striped, bordered, hover
- configurable column alignment from the template left / center / right
- preferences/state save for each table in the browser's localStorage
- server-side Excel exporting of the table data, using your current sorting and filtering choices, with email notification and optional push notifications. The export supports a practically unlimited dataset and features realtime progress reporting in the interface
- reloading of data on demand
- smart management of huge datasets, with configurable limit
- possibility to define actions that apply to the entire, filtered, dataset
- Enso Enum computation
- Laravel accessors for the main query model
- the configuration template for each table has been designed to be as light and straightforward as possible without losing out on features
- thorough validation of the JSON template with developer friendly messages, in order to avoid misconfiguration issues
- can be used independently of the Enso ecosystem