LampCMS - Q&A program in PHP

Lampcms is an full-featured Open Source Question and Answers web program with support for social web with the integration with Facebook and Twitter. Lampcms is tag-based, all questions are tagged by the author and can then be grouped by tag.
It has all functionalites related to Q&A website. Post new question, Edit, Delete and Close existing questions. Question author has full control on the questions posted by them. Moderator will have full admin rights. User can vote questions up/down and also could select best answer.
Ip-Based Geo Location stored with posts, can use to plot items on Google Map. It is capable of handling very high-load websites, easily serving thousands of simultaneous requests. It counts one view per Question per User or per IP if user not logged in.
It has all functionalites related to Q&A website. Post new question, Edit, Delete and Close existing questions. Question author has full control on the questions posted by them. Moderator will have full admin rights. User can vote questions up/down and also could select best answer.
Ip-Based Geo Location stored with posts, can use to plot items on Google Map. It is capable of handling very high-load websites, easily serving thousands of simultaneous requests. It counts one view per Question per User or per IP if user not logged in.