James - Enterprise Mail Server

James (a.k.a Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server) is a 100% pure Java SMTP and POP3 Mail server, and NNTP News server designed to be a complete and portable enterprise mail/messaging engine solution based on currently available open messaging protocols.
- Is 100% pure java capable of running on Java 1.4 onwards
- Integrates protocols
- NNTP (better known as news)
- Is based on open standards
- Is a mailet container. Processing is delegated to independent, extensible, pluggable agents specified by the Mailet API. Any function which is not already available (from James or from a third party) can be developed.
- Is a modular, component based IoC
mail platform
- Based on mature, production proved Apache Excalibur components
- James 2 (production) uses the Avalon framework. Avalon development has now stopped but the framework is mature, stable and of proved production quality.
- James 3 (development) supports Spring and is moving towards OSGI
- Support to create mailing list