foam - A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode

Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub. You can use Foam for organising your research, keeping re-discoverable notes, writing long-form content and, optionally, publishing it to the web.
Its features include
- Graph Visualization - See how your notes are connected via a graph
- Link Autocompletion - Create the connections between your notes, and your placeholders as well
- Unique identifiers across directories - Supports files with the same name in multiple directories
- Navigation in Preview - Navigate your rendered notes in the VS Code preview panel
- Note embed - Embed the content from other notes
- Templates - Use custom templates to have avoid repetitve work on your notes
- Backlinks Panel - Quickly check which notes are referencing the currently active note
- Syntax highlight - highlights wikilinks and placeholder differently, to help you visualize your knowledge base