FerretDB - A truly Open Source MongoDB alternative, built on Postgres

FerretDB is an open-source proxy that translates MongoDB wire protocol queries to SQL, with PostgreSQL as the database engine.
MongoDB was initially built as open-source software and it is a game-changer for many developers, enabling them to build fast and robust applications. Its ease of use and extensive documentation made it a top choice for many developers looking for an open-source database. However, all this changed when they switched to an SSPL license, moving away from their open-source roots.
FerretDB was founded to become the true open-source alternative to MongoDB, making it the go-to choice for most MongoDB users looking for an open-source alternative to MongoDB. With FerretDB, users can run the same MongoDB protocol queries without needing to learn a new language or command.
FerretDB is a document database that uses similar commands, drivers, and tools to those of MongoDB for storing data. Unlike relational databases, which use tables, rows, and columns to define the schema of the database, document databases use key-value pairs to build the structure of a document. In FerretDB, data is stored as BSON - a binary representation of JSON - so you can store more types of data than in regular JSON.
Refer to known differences with MongoDB