Achilles - An advanced Java Object Mapper/Query DSL generator for Cassandra
Achilles is an open source advanced object mapper for Apache Cassandra. Its feature include
- Advanced bean mapping (compound primary key, composite partition key, timeUUID, counter, static column …)
- Pluggable codec system to define your own types
- Life cycle interceptors to define custom behavior before INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT operations
- Fluent options system to parameter runtime statements (consistency level, retry policy, …)
- Powerful and type-safe DSL to create your own queries
- Display of DML scripts & DDL statements
- Wrapper to deploy an embedded Cassandra server easily
- Tight integration with JUnit for productive TDD programming
- Support for Bean Validation (JSR-303)
- Support for Lightweight Transaction with dedicated listener interface
- Support for Materialized View
- Support for typed-safe Function calls
- Support for the new JSON API
- Support for multi-project compilation unit
- Support for native index, SASI and DSE Search
- Flexible naming strategy & insert strategy
- Runtime Schema Name Provider for multi-tenant environments
- Full compatibility with Java 8 CompletableFuture