Distro Astro - Linux Distribution for Astronomers

Distro Astro has features for almost all astronomy use—from observatories, planetariums, and professional researchers, to astrophotographers and amateur enthusiasts. The INDI Library built into Distro Astro provides telescope control for the most common telescopes from Meade, Celestron, Orion, and other major telescope brands. Nightshade is an advanced planetarium software for fish-eye dome projections developed by planetarium provider Digitalis Education.
Distro Astro includes tools for astrophotography. Capture software wxAstroCapture was written specifically with astronomy in mind. The distribution has preinstalled IRAF, XGTerm, XImtool, and SAOImage DS9 for reduction and analysis of astronomical data. Distro Astro contains plenty of software useful for astronomy educators. It contains event prediction software such as XEphem, AstroCC Coordinate Converter, Astronomy Lab 2, and command line tools ephem and aa.
Distro Astro includes tools for astrophotography. Capture software wxAstroCapture was written specifically with astronomy in mind. The distribution has preinstalled IRAF, XGTerm, XImtool, and SAOImage DS9 for reduction and analysis of astronomical data. Distro Astro contains plenty of software useful for astronomy educators. It contains event prediction software such as XEphem, AstroCC Coordinate Converter, Astronomy Lab 2, and command line tools ephem and aa.