Bebop - Simple discussion board / forum web application.
Bebop is a simple discussion board / forum web application.Create a new empty database (MySQL оr PostgreSQL) that will be used as a data store and a database user with all privileges granted on this database.
Features include:
Features include:
- REST API backend written in Go
- Vue.js-based frontend
- Two databases are supported:
- PostgreSQL
- Three file-storage backends are supported to store user-uploaded files (e.g. avatars):
- Local filesystem
- Google Cloud Storage
- Amazon S3
- Social login (OAuth 2.0) via three providers:
- Github
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are used for user authentication in the API
- Single binary deploy. All the static assets (frontend JavaScript & CSS files) are embedded into the binary
- Markdown comments
- Avatar upload, including animated GIFs. Auto-generated letter-avatars on user creation