Jsweet - A transpiler from Java to TypeScript/JavaScript

JSweet leverages TypeScript to write rich and responsive Web applications in Java through the use of JavaScript libraries and frameworks. With JSweet, Java programs are transpiled (source-to-source compiled) to TypeScript and JavaScript for being run in browsers, mobile Web views, or in Node.js.
- JSweet is safe and reliable. It provides web applications with type-checking and generates fully type-checked JavaScript programs. It stands on Oracle's Java Compiler (javac) and on Microsoft's TypeScript (tsc).
- JSweet allows you to use your favorite JS library (JSweet+Angular2, JSweet+threejs, IONIC/Cordova, ...).
- JSweet enables code sharing between server-side Java and client-side JavaScript. JSweet provides implementations for the core Java libraries for code sharing and legacy Java migration purpose.
- JSweet is fast, lightweight and fully JavaScript-interoperable. The generated code is regular JavaScript code, which implies no overhead compared to JavaScript, and can directly interoperate with existing JavaScript programs and libraries.