ChiliProject - A redmine fork

ChiliProject is a web based project management system. It supports your team throughout the complete project life cycle, from setting up and discussing a project plan, over tracking issues and reporting work progress to collaboratively sharing knowledge.
It helps to do project planning by setting up the roadmap and prepare project plan using Gantt chart. It could track the issues basically action items and reports it progress. Each issue / action item could be tracked, discussed and monitored. Worfklow could be created using trackers, so that issues / action item can follow a specific work flow.
Collaboration is a must for project management tool. ChilliProject provides Wiki to collaborate, share information, documents with other team members. It helps to integrate the code repository like Subversion, Git and browse the code. Additional to that it has Forum support, feed support to publish project news.
ChilliProject is a fork of Redmine. A group of developers from the Redmine community not interested with the way its been maintained and thought to fork it to continue the stable development of the project. Authors have explained the reason to fork.