Bnd - Swiss army knife for OSGi. A tool to build OSGi bundles.

bnd is a swiss army knife for OSGi, it creates manifest headers for you based on analyzing the class code, it verifies your settings, it manages project dependencies, gives you quote of the day, diffs jars, and much more.
Unlike tools that require package dependency information to be maintained manually, Bndtools uses bytecode analysis to accurately calculate the dependencies of your OSGi bundles. Bndtools features a pluggable repository model for bundles, that may be referenced at build-time and also used to satisfy runtime dependencies. Repository plug-ins exist for OBR and Maven/Nexus.
Unlike tools that require package dependency information to be maintained manually, Bndtools uses bytecode analysis to accurately calculate the dependencies of your OSGi bundles. Bndtools features a pluggable repository model for bundles, that may be referenced at build-time and also used to satisfy runtime dependencies. Repository plug-ins exist for OBR and Maven/Nexus.