Apache REEF - a stdlib for Big Data

Apache REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a library for developing portable applications for cluster resource managers such as Apache Hadoop YARN or Apache Mesos. For example, Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics is built on REEF and Hadoop.
Apache REEF turns the chaos of a distributed application into events in a single machine, the Job Driver. Events include container allocation, Task launch, completion and failure. For failures, Apache REEF makes every effort of making the actual Exception thrown by the Task available to the Driver.
Apache REEF provides a Task runtime called Evaluator. Evaluators are instantiated in every container of a REEF application. Evaluators can keep data in memory in between Tasks, which enables efficient pipelines on REEF. Apache REEF is the only API to write YARN or Mesos applications in .NET. Further, a single REEF application is free to mix and match Tasks written for .NET or Java.
Apache REEF turns the chaos of a distributed application into events in a single machine, the Job Driver. Events include container allocation, Task launch, completion and failure. For failures, Apache REEF makes every effort of making the actual Exception thrown by the Task available to the Driver.
Apache REEF provides a Task runtime called Evaluator. Evaluators are instantiated in every container of a REEF application. Evaluators can keep data in memory in between Tasks, which enables efficient pipelines on REEF. Apache REEF is the only API to write YARN or Mesos applications in .NET. Further, a single REEF application is free to mix and match Tasks written for .NET or Java.