Apache Doris - A fast MPP database for all modern analytics on big data

Apache Doris is a modern MPP analytical database product. It can provide sub-second queries and efficient real-time data analysis. With it's distributed architecture, up to 10PB level datasets will be well supported and easy to operate. Doris provides batch data loading and real-time mini-batch data loading. It provides high availability, reliability, fault tolerance, and scalability. Its original name was Palo, developed in Baidu.
- Uses MySQL protocol to communicate. Users can connect to Doris cluster through MySQL client or MySQL JDBC
- Support standard SQL language, compatible with MySQL protocol
- Vectorized SQL executor
- Getting result of a query within one second
- Rollup, novel pre-computation mechanism
- Effective data model for aggregation
- High performance, high availability, high reliability
- Easy for operation, Elastic data warehouse for big data