Weekly Product Updates #23-11: Lucene, Bitcoin, CaddyServer, Jenkins, Tooljet, Laravel, MinIO
Below are few important product releases happened in this week.
Apache Lucene released version 9.9.0. It has few feature improvements, optimization and bug fixes. It supports lossy storage for the vectors, requiring approximately 4x less memory for fast Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) search. It speeds up Panama vector support, Add new Lucene99FlatVectorsFormat for writing vectors in a flat format and lot more.
Bitcoin core released version 26.0 with notable changes in Network, Wallet.
CaddyServer a fast HTTP web server released version 2.7.6 with minor enhancements.
Jenkins a Continuous Integration platform released version 2.435 with minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Tooljet a Low-code platform released version 2.25.0 with minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Laravel one of popular PHP web application framework released version 10.2.10.
MinIO an object storage platform released bug fix relase